C# Dec/Hex 轉換為 Bytes 的方法.

C# Dec/Hex 轉換為 Bytes 的方法.

從 Decimal 直接轉換為 Bytes.

// using System.Collections.Generic;
int _num = 2550;
List<byte> _list = new List<byte>();
while( _num > 0 )
{	// do while number more then 0
	_list.Add( (byte)(_num & 0x00ff) );	// Byte mask : number > 255 will ignore.
	_num >>= 8;	// move 8 digit right in binary
_list.Reverse();	// we calculate form EOL, remember? reverse it.
return _list.ToArray(); // output as Byte array 09,F6

從 Hexadecimal 轉換為 Bytes

public static byte[] ToByte(string _hexString, int _digit=2)
	// make sure the _hexString's length is matching the byte format, group by 2
	int _no = (Mathf.FloorToInt(_hexString.Length/_digit)*_digit) + ((_hexString.Length%_digit)*_digit);
	_hexString = _hexString.PadLeft(_no,'0');

	byte[] _bytes = new byte[_hexString.Length/_digit];
	for (int i = 0; i < _bytes.Length; i++)
		// only taken target hex number range
		string _hexByte = _hexString.Substring(i * _digit, _digit);
		// Convert "_hexByte" to bytes.
		_bytes[i] = byte.Parse(_hexByte, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
	return _bytes;



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