大概就是這一種 shader
Ref: http://www.danielkiedrowski.com/2012/07/wall-vision-outline-image-effect-unity-asset-store/
Ref: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/24707
Properties{ // step 1, the color you wanted. _OcclusionColor("OcclusionColor", Color) = (0.2426471,0.07530426,0,1) } SubShader{ Tags{ // step 2, Geometry make the vision display ontop of the others. e.g. building, walls. "Queue" = "Geometry+1" "RenderType" = "Opaque" } LOD 100 Pass{ ZWrite Off ZTest Greater Blend One Zero // step 3, Geometry make the vision display ontop of the others. e.g. building, walls. Color[_OcclusionColor] } // step 4, write a normal drawing shader here. // because it's ZWrite On and it's called after pervious, therefore it can override the 1st Pass result // if camera can really saw it on screen. Pass{ Name "FORWARD" Tags{ "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" } ...... } ..... }
- 顏色
- Geometry 地形+1.. 總之比其他建築物或牆等等使用的 shader 級別高, +1,+2,+3 如此類推.
- 第一個 Pass, Zwrite off, Color[xxx] 就是為了直接把顏色輸出到 surf.
- 正常顯示的 shader
因為 #4 的 Pass 在一般能看見的情況下, 是後繪的關係, 所以第一層的 Pass 就被取代, 所以畫面結果沒有顯示出來.
但是當人物被普通的建築或牆遮蓋的時候, 因為 ZDepth 的關係, 第二層的 Pass 不會繪畫. 而第一層的純顏色 Pass 就顯示出來.