It a good game~
this is how I play the game.
- Open the game -> New game
- F12 open console for Chorme
- copy the following script,
- replace the m_ScoreToAchieve to the number you wanted.
- paste the code into Chrome’s console
- Hit enter and wait.
// Game: // // var m_ScoreToAchieve = 3000; function correlation() { var points = $(".nv-point"); var tx = 0, ty = 0, cnt = 0; points.each(function(k,v){ var coord = $(this).attr("transform").replace("translate(","").replace(")","").split(","); tx+=parseFloat(coord[0]); ty+=parseFloat(coord[1]); cnt++; }); var meanX = tx/cnt, meanY = ty/cnt; var saxb = 0, sa = 0 , sb = 0; points.each(function(k,v){ var coord = $(this).attr("transform").replace("translate(","").replace(")","").split(","); var x = parseFloat(coord[0]), y = parseFloat(coord[1]), a = x - meanX, b = y- meanY, axb = a * b; saxb += axb; sa += a * a; sb += b * b; }); return Math.abs(saxb / Math.sqrt(sa * sb)); } function Init() { var hack = function() { setTimeout(function(){ $("#guess-input").val(correlation())}, 200); setTimeout(function(){ $("#submit-btn").click(); }, 210); setTimeout(function(){ if($(".heart-full").length > 1 && parseInt($(".ncoins").text()) < m_ScoreToAchieve ) $("#next-btn").click(); else $("#next-btn").unbind("click", hack); }, 220); }; $("#next-btn").unbind("click", hack).bind("click", hack); hack(); } Init();