CameraBot  2.1.0
Camera Development Kit Enhancement
CF.CameraBot Namespace Reference


class  AdvanceSetting
 Advance Setting for CameraBot More...
class  BindKey
class  CameraBot
 CF Camera for Unity3D - a spherical coordinates camera handler. More...
class  CameraBotSlave
 The component depend on CameraBot More...
class  CameraSetting
class  ChaseTargetInterceptor
class  ClampAngle
class  CursorLock
interface  IControl
interface  IControlFPS
interface  IControlSTR
interface  IControlTPS
interface  IDevice
interface  IDeviceMobile
interface  IDevicePC
class  Info
class  InitReference
 To record the init position and relative angle for reference position. More...
class  InputSetting
 Global input setting, control sensitive, threshold, and flip control here. More...
class  Method
class  MobileInput
class  ObstacleDetection
class  PCKeyInput
class  PCKeySwitch
class  Preset
 Preset for each camera config. More...
class  RealTimeCache
 Calculate and record : transform position, direction, angle and hit point on each update. More...
class  RTSChaseTargetInterceptor
class  VirtualPoint
class  VirtualPosition
class  Zoom


enum  UpdateFrequency { Low = 0, Medium, High }
enum  UpwardReferenceMethod { World = 0, Local, Custom }
enum  ControlType { FPS = 0, TPS, STR }
enum  DeviceType { PC = 0, Mobile }
enum  UpdateAngleMethod { ResetWhenActive = 0, UpdateWhenActive, UpdateAlway }
enum  MoveMethod { Snap = 0, Lerp, QuaternionLerp, OrbitLerp }
enum  RotationMethod { Snap = 0, Lerp, QuaternionLerp, OrbitLerp }